Language plays a crucial role in granting Portuguese nationality and in promoting the Portuguese language worldwide. In a global context, language extends beyond being merely a communication tool; it serves as a vehicle for cultural identity.

In Portugal, the intrinsic connection between nationality and language is a distinctive feature in the process of obtaining citizenship. In certain cases, candidates for citizenship are required to demonstrate proficiency in the Portuguese language. This language proficiency is assumed for individuals from countries with Portuguese as the official language, according to the Nationality Regulation (Decree-Law No. 237-A/2006).

This requirement not only facilitates integration but also preserves Portuguese cultural identity. Many seeking citizenship participate in Portuguese language courses, thereby contributing to keeping the linguistic tradition alive.

It is important to note that while linguistic criteria are significant, the process of acquiring Portuguese nationality is multifaceted, involving other legal and cultural requirements that should be considered.

Nationality Department

Ana Santos Fontes | Maria Moura Fonseca | Ana Luíza Fronczak