Sofia Quental, partner of the Tax Department of VCA, is currently attending the Law&Numbers network’s General Assembly Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.

In this meeting, hosted by FELTEN | ASSA & ASSOCIES, the members will be discussing the future projects of this international association of tax lawyers, as well as international tax news to keep every country’s member updated.

Sofia will be representing Portugal at this meeting. Other members attending this event are: Bernard Felten (Luxembourg), Yves Auberson (Switzerland), Marylène Bonny-Grandil & Céline Boisselier (France), Pál Jalsovszky (Hungary), André Bailleux (Belgium), Ambrogio Novelli (Italy), and Axelle Keles (France).

If you have any questions regarding tax matters in Portugal or any other of these European countries, we are here for you!