VCA – Valadas Coriel & Associados was part of the Grimaldi Alliance international consortium, commissioned by the European Commission to carry out a study on the implementation and application of Regulation 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October (“the Regulation”) on public road and rail passenger transport services, and on the respective evolution of the Public Passenger Transport offer.

The main objective of the study was to assess the conformity of Member States’ legislation, including its regulation and enforcement with the aforementioned Regulation 1370/2007.

VCA was in charge of the study on the Portuguese territory which had the collaboration of the transport authorities, regulatory authorities and transport operators, highlighting the close collaboration of the Mobility and Transport Authority (AMT), as well as the Institute of Mobility and Transport I.P. (IMT), as well as transport stakeholders.

VCA also carried out a case study of the public service contract for public passenger transport concluded between the Portuguese Government and CP already under the provisions of the Regulation.


VCA is engaged in a technical assistance project for the European Commission regarding the implementation of the EU Directive on the Promotion of Use of Renewable Energies in association with Grimaldi Alliance, an international network of law firms with which VCA is associated. The purpose is to identify and evaluate the measures adopted by Portugal to transpose Directive 2018/2021, of 11 December. To this end, VCA is undertaking discussions with the relevant stakeholders, including public entities and business associations.